Title: Aggressive Brute Force Attempts Detected Date: March 7, 2024 Warning Level: 3 Summary: Multiple failed login attempts have been detected in the system's authentication logs, indicating a pattern of brute force attacks. These attempts include both invalid user names and direct attempts to access the 'root' user account from various IP addresses. Details: - Frequent invalid user login attempts from IP addresses such as,,, among others. - Direct 'root' user access attempts observed, suggesting targeted attacks aiming for high-level system access. - The pattern indicates a systematic approach to identify weak credentials within the system. Recommendations: 1. Implement or enhance IP-based blocking or rate-limiting for repeated failed login attempts to mitigate brute force attack risks. 2. Review and strengthen password policies, ensuring that all user accounts have strong, unique passwords. 3. Consider the implementation of two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security, especially for accounts with elevated privileges. 4. Conduct a thorough security audit to identify any potential vulnerabilities that might be exploited by attackers. Immediate Actions Taken: - Monitoring and logging of suspicious activity have been increased for better detection and analysis. - Initial investigation and analysis have been conducted to assess the impact and scope of the detected attempts. This report should be reviewed by the security team to assess further actions and incorporate additional preventive measures as deemed necessary.