Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Neon Genesis Evangelion Characters

Shinji Ikari

The main protagonist, Shinji is a shy and withdrawn 14-year-old boy who is recruited by his estranged father to pilot Evangelion Unit-01. Despite his reluctance, Shinji ultimately accepts his role and becomes a crucial member of NERV's fight against the Angels.

Rei Ayanami

A mysterious and reserved girl, Rei is the First Child and pilot of Evangelion Unit-00. She has a complex relationship with Gendo Ikari and plays a pivotal role in the series' unfolding events.

Asuka Langley Soryu

A fiery and competitive 14-year-old girl, Asuka is the Second Child and pilot of Evangelion Unit-02. Despite her brash exterior, she grapples with deep-seated insecurities and a desire for validation.

Misato Katsuragi

The operations director at NERV and Shinji's guardian, Misato is a strong-willed and compassionate woman who serves as a mentor and surrogate mother to the young pilots. She has her own hidden traumas and motivations tied to the Angels and Second Impact.

Supporting Characters