Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Discussion Forum

Welcome to the Neon Genesis Evangelion fan discussion forum. This is a place for fans to share their thoughts, theories, and experiences related to the series. Given the text-based nature of our website, this forum is designed to be accessible and easy to navigate even in a text browser.

How to participate

To participate, simply choose a thread below to read the latest discussions. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of our current setup, posting new comments or threads requires sending an email with your post content to []. Our moderators will review and add your contributions to the relevant thread periodically.

General Discussion

Topics: A place for all things Evangelion. Share your favorite moments, characters, and any other series-related discussions.

Theories and Analysis

Topics: Dive deep into the lore of Evangelion. Discuss and dissect the many themes, symbols, and hidden meanings within the series.

Fan Creations

Topics: Showcase your Evangelion-inspired artworks, fanfics, cosplays, and any other fan-made content. Let's celebrate the creativity of the Evangelion community.