Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Neon Genesis Evangelion Series Information

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese anime television series produced by Gainax and Tatsunoko Production and directed by Hideaki Anno. It was broadcast on TV Tokyo from October 1995 to March 1996. The series explores themes of existential despair, loneliness, and the human condition, featuring psychoanalytical and religious symbolism.

Plot Summary

The story follows Shinji Ikari, a teenager who is recruited by his father to the shadowy organization NERV to pilot a giant bio-machine mecha named "Evangelion" into combat against beings known as Angels. The series delves into the emotional distress and personal relationships of the characters, set against a backdrop of apocalyptic events.

Themes and Influence

Evangelion has been critically acclaimed for its exploration of psychological and philosophical themes, as well as its innovative design and storytelling techniques. It has significantly influenced the mecha genre and broader anime culture, sparking numerous debates and discussions around its complex narrative and ending.

Legacy and Reception

The series has left a lasting legacy, inspiring a vast array of multimedia projects, including movies, manga, video games, and spin-offs. Its controversial and thought-provoking ending has led to a reevaluation of anime storytelling. Despite its divisive reception, Neon Genesis Evangelion remains a landmark series in anime history.