Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Detailed Angel Analysis

The Angels in Neon Genesis Evangelion are complex entities, each with unique characteristics and significance to the plot. This page provides an in-depth analysis of each Angel, their abilities, and their impact on the series.

Adam (First Angel)

Adam is the progenitor of Angels and a key figure in the series' backstory.

Lilith (Second Angel)

Lilith is the progenitor of humanity and a counterpart to Adam.

Sachiel (Third Angel)

Sachiel is the first Angel to attack Tokyo-3 in the series.

Shamshel (Fourth Angel)

Shamshel appears as a massive, arthropod-like creature.

Ramiel (Fifth Angel)

Ramiel is a geometric Angel with formidable defensive and offensive capabilities.

Leliel (Twelfth Angel)

Leliel is one of the most abstract Angels, challenging perceptions of physics.

Zeruel (Fourteenth Angel)

Zeruel is considered one of the most powerful Angels.

Tabris (Kaworu Nagisa, Seventeenth Angel)

Tabris is unique as the only Angel to take human form.

Significance of the Angels

The Angels serve multiple purposes in Neon Genesis Evangelion:

Each Angel encounter not only advances the plot but also delves deeper into the psychological states of the characters and the underlying mysteries of the series. The diversity of Angel forms and abilities keeps each confrontation fresh and unpredictable, contributing to the series' tension and intrigue.

Collage of Evangelion Angels

A visual representation of the diverse forms of Angels encountered in the series.