Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

NERV and SEELE in Neon Genesis Evangelion

NERV and SEELE logos


NERV is the paramilitary organization at the forefront of defending humanity against the Angels in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Founded and led by Gendo Ikari, NERV operates under the guise of a special agency of the United Nations.

Key Points about NERV:

Notable NERV Personnel:


SEELE is a secret organization that operates behind the scenes, manipulating world events to achieve their ultimate goal: the Human Instrumentality Project. They are the true power behind NERV and many of the world's governments.

Key Points about SEELE:

SEELE's Committee:

SEELE is governed by a committee of 12 members, often represented by black monoliths in their meetings. The identity of most members remains a mystery throughout the series.

The Relationship between NERV and SEELE

While NERV appears to be working under SEELE's directives, there's a complex power struggle between the two organizations:

The intricate relationship between NERV and SEELE forms a crucial part of Evangelion's complex narrative, blending themes of power, evolution, and the future of humanity.