Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Angels in Neon Genesis Evangelion

Collage of Angels

The Angels are mysterious and powerful beings in Neon Genesis Evangelion, serving as the primary antagonists throughout the series. Each Angel possesses unique abilities and forms, presenting formidable challenges to NERV and the Evangelion units.

Key Characteristics of Angels

List of Angels

  1. Adam (First Angel): The progenitor of Angels, central to Second Impact.
  2. Lilith (Second Angel): Progenitor of humanity, crucified in Terminal Dogma.
  3. Sachiel (Third Angel): The first Angel to attack Tokyo-3, humanoid with a bird-like mask.
  4. Shamshel (Fourth Angel): Resembles a giant larva with energy whips for arms.
  5. Ramiel (Fifth Angel): A massive, blue octahedron capable of transforming its shape.
  6. Gaghiel (Sixth Angel): Aquatic Angel, attacks the UN fleet transporting Unit-02.
  7. Israfel (Seventh Angel): Can split into two separate entities, requiring perfect synchronization to defeat.
  8. Sandalphon (Eighth Angel): Embryonic Angel adapted to extreme heat and pressure.
  9. Matarael (Ninth Angel): Spider-like being that secretes a corrosive acid.
  10. Sahaquiel (Tenth Angel): Massive Angel that attempts to destroy NERV HQ by falling from orbit.
  11. Ireul (Eleventh Angel): Microscopic Angel that infiltrates NERV's computer systems.
  12. Leliel (Twelfth Angel): Appears as a shadow with a floating sphere, but is actually a Dirac sea.
  13. Bardiel (Thirteenth Angel): Parasitic Angel that infects and takes control of Eva Unit-03.
  14. Zeruel (Fourteenth Angel): One of the most powerful Angels, with devastating energy projection abilities.
  15. Arael (Fifteenth Angel): Bird-like Angel that attacks with a psychological energy beam.
  16. Armisael (Sixteenth Angel): Takes the form of a double helix, attempts to merge with Eva Unit-00.
  17. Tabris (Seventeenth Angel): Also known as Kaworu Nagisa, takes human form and infiltrates NERV.

Significance in the Series

The Angels play a crucial role in driving the plot of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Their attacks on Tokyo-3 necessitate the use of Evangelion units and push the main characters to their limits. The true nature and origin of the Angels are closely tied to the overarching mysteries of the series, including the Human Instrumentality Project.

Themes and Symbolism

The Angels in Evangelion are rich with religious and mythological symbolism, often drawing from Judeo-Christian traditions. Their names are derived from angels in various religious texts, and their forms often incorporate symbolic elements. The conflict between humanity and the Angels can be interpreted as a struggle between different forms of evolution or existence.

Impact on Characters

Each Angel encounter significantly impacts the development of the main characters, especially the Eva pilots. These battles not only test their physical abilities but also their mental and emotional resilience. The unique challenges presented by each Angel often force characters to confront their fears, insecurities, and past traumas.

Theories and Interpretations

The nature of the Angels has been subject to much fan speculation and analysis. Some theories suggest that Angels and humans are two sides of the same coin, both descended from different progenitors (Adam and Lilith). Others interpret the Angels as alternative forms of humanity, representing paths of evolution that diverged from our own.

Angel Analysis

For a detailed analysis of each Angel, including their abilities, appearances, and roles in the series, please visit our Angel Analysis page.