Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Episode 14: Weaving a Story


This episode serves as a mid-series recap and introspection, weaving together past events with new revelations. It's divided into two parts: the first half recaps previous Angels and battles, while the second half delves into the psyches of the main characters through a series of psychological evaluations.

Key Events

Character Development


"Weaving a Story" serves as a crucial turning point in the series, providing a moment of reflection before the story delves into deeper, more complex territories. The episode's structure, alternating between past events and character introspection, mirrors the show's dual focus on external conflicts and internal psychological struggles. It also sets the stage for the more psychological and philosophical themes that will dominate the latter half of the series.

Symbolism and Foreshadowing


Shinji, Asuka, and Rei in introspective poses

The main pilots - Shinji, Asuka, and Rei - depicted in introspective poses, symbolizing the psychological focus of the episode