Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Episode 10: Magma Diver


In "Magma Diver," NERV faces a unique challenge when they discover the eighth Angel, Sandalphon, growing inside a volcano. Asuka volunteers to dive into the magma in Eva Unit 02 to capture the Angel embryo. Meanwhile, Shinji and his classmates go on a field trip to Okinawa, leaving Asuka to handle the mission alone. The operation takes an unexpected turn when the Angel prematurely hatches, leading to a tense underwater battle.

Key Events

Character Development


This episode explores themes of isolation, pressure, and the burden of responsibility. Asuka's solo mission into the volcano serves as a metaphor for the intense pressure and isolation the Eva pilots face. The contrast between the dangerous mission and the lighthearted school trip highlights the abnormal lives of the pilots. The episode also delves into the nature of the Angels, raising questions about their origins and lifecycle.

Symbolism and Foreshadowing


Eva Unit 02 diving into a volcano to face Sandalphon

Eva Unit 02, equipped with D-Type Equipment, descends into the volcanic depths to confront the embryonic Angel Sandalphon