Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Episode 11: The Day Tokyo-3 Stood Still


In this episode, a complete power outage hits Tokyo-3, leaving NERV headquarters and the entire city vulnerable. As the pilots and NERV staff struggle to deal with the blackout, an Angel attacks, forcing them to come up with creative solutions to defend the city without their usual technological advantages.

Key Events

Character Development


This episode highlights the fragility of modern technology and the importance of human ingenuity and cooperation. It serves as a metaphor for the characters' need to rely on their own strengths and each other, rather than external systems. The power outage also symbolizes the breakdown of barriers between characters, forcing them to communicate and work together more directly than usual.

Symbolism and Foreshadowing


Tokyo-3 during the blackout

Tokyo-3 plunged into darkness during the power outage