Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Episode 6: Rei II


In "Rei II," the sixth Angel, Ramiel, appears and poses a significant threat to Tokyo-3. NERV devises Operation Yashima, a plan to defeat the Angel using a positron rifle. Shinji and Rei must work together, with Rei tasked to protect Shinji as he takes the shot. This episode delves deeper into Rei's character and her relationship with Gendo and Shinji.

Key Events

Character Development


Episode 6 marks a significant turning point in the series, focusing on character development and the growing bonds between the pilots. The episode explores themes of sacrifice, duty, and the nature of human connections. Rei's character is given more depth, revealing her isolation and the impact of her unique upbringing. The operation against Ramiel showcases the strategic elements of the series and the high stakes of each Angel battle. Shinji's growing sense of responsibility and his attempt to connect with Rei highlight his character growth.

Symbolism and Foreshadowing


Operation Yashima - Rei protecting Unit-01 against Ramiel

Operation Yashima: Rei protects Unit-01 as it prepares to fire the positron rifle at Ramiel