Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Site

Episode 7: A Human Work


In "A Human Work," NERV faces competition from a rival organization, Japan Heavy Chemical Industries (JHCI), which has developed its own giant robot, Jet Alone. As NERV officials attend a demonstration of Jet Alone, the robot goes berserk, forcing Misato to undertake a dangerous mission to shut it down manually. Meanwhile, Shinji adjusts to living with Misato and learns more about her past.

Key Events

Character Development


"A Human Work" shifts focus from the supernatural threat of Angels to human-made dangers and political intrigue. The episode explores themes of human ambition, the dangers of unchecked technological advancement, and the complex motivations behind NERV's operations. It also delves into the personal lives of the characters, particularly Misato, adding depth to their relationships and backstories. The contrast between the Evangelions and Jet Alone raises questions about the nature of NERV's technology and its reliance on the enigmatic AT Field.

Symbolism and Foreshadowing


Misato attempting to shut down Jet Alone

Misato Katsuragi risks her life to manually shut down the malfunctioning Jet Alone robot